Provincial School Food Guidelines

On behalf of NLESD, Regional Health Authorities and the Government of NL, the following information is intended for school staff, school food providers, and volunteers (who may be involved in any school canteens, meal service, or fundraising that involves food), as we all work together to implement guidelines and create a healthier school food environment. 

Provincial School Food Guideline

Bus Routes

Below is a complete list of ALL bus routes for Sprucewood Academy.  There may have been changes to your child’s Bus Number and designated route, so please review and go over with your child.

Students have their BUS NUMBER recorded in their agenda. Check your child’s agenda to see which bus they are now assigned to. The updated Bus Route Information is attached and contains the Bus Number, Stop Locations, along with Arrival and Departure times.

Your child will be assigned a bus seat.  If your child is assigned to the same bus, they will receive the same seat assignments. 

Please ensure your child knows which bus they will be going on.

BusPlanner Web - PARENT PORTAL.pdf

BusPlaner Web Portal

BusPlanner Web Parent Portal was introduced in the  2020-21 school year. In the Spring of 2021, parents and guardians received a letter from Powerschool specific to their child or children that contained their student number and information regarding the Portal, including the benefits of the Portal and instructions on how to create an account.
The Portal can be accessed via

Please click on the graphic to the left to continue reading... 

Welcome Back 2023-24

September 8, 2021

Guidelines and recommendations for your child as they come back to school for the 2023-24 school year. 

SWA Back to School 2023-2024.pdf

Managing Head Lice @ Home

Our Regional Health Authority values the physical and emotional health of everyone in our community.  To the left, you will find a resource booklet to help you deal with head lice issues.

Curriculum Overview per Grade Level

Click on the links below to view your child's curriculum overview for the 2021-2022 school year.

Google Resources for Families

The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District has released a resource for families to help support and assist students in the Google environment. The 5-page hand-out, which is linked below, is designed to provide parents and families with information to understand the tools used in the school environment and help support students to get the best possible results out of these interactive resources.